Apr 16, 2012

It’s good to have friends

last Saturday I had a solo Homura shoot with Brian. Maria ,Cvy and Baracus came as helpers too xD being the only cosplayer meant I was like a princess, well sort of xD

Being the sotong klutz I am, I clean forgot to prepare Homura's multitude of weapons >.< and I didn't realise it until Friday -.- so I went on a frenzy search for Toy guns. Went to Arab Street to check out the big toy shop there but it was closed T. T

Thankfully I remembered I had awesome friends! Boys who cosplayed the SWAT team xD so I messaged them and managed to borrow one from Richard T. T. It's good to have friends nah …
Brian the awesome photographer, upon hearing my SOS also went ahead to borrow a gun from his friend. Even though the gun didn't belonged to him , it still made me think " it's good to have friends nah T. T "

Brian, William and Baracus
And then came the day of the shoot. The shoot was scheduled to be at 4:30 but because I had to  pick up the gun from Richard in a land far away from mine, I was preparing to leave home at 2.
And that arrangement threw me off because I was so used to either doing my makeup or full costume at home then cab down to the shoot location. Anything other than that was a nuisance. I know I sound horribly spoilt but but , for someone who takes near an hour JUST to do her makeup, it was such a necessity! Not to mention that going to the shoot location immediately also keeps your makeup fresher !

Speaking of which , I seriously need to speed up on my cosplay prep time :( I take too freakin long.

Anyway, I was talking to Brian on wadsapp just before leaving my place and he casually divulged his current location to me much to his misfortune xD Turns out he was just around Richard's place and in the end, he picked up my second gun. It's good to have friends nah T. T!

So continues the mad rush to get ready before a shoot as always.

I've always faced problems getting helpers for my shoot I dont know why. I suspect I'm not very popular D; usually I'm okay with that since y costumes are usually very simple and convenient to move around.
But because we intend to have some hair swinging actions, I have no choice but to deck out the friendship card and start wailing for help. I'm glad Maria and Cvy answered it T. T

Cvy, Maria and I XD

Through out the very long shoot that made all of us missed dinner ( which I feel very guilty about Y.Y) both of them were a constant source of jokes and laughter. It felt great to have friends joking around you in the midst of a long and lonely shoot. Lonely because I'm the only cosplayer but lonely no more because of them xD. It's good to have friends nah …

We shifted from one part of the location to another halfway through the shoot for background variety. When we reached the 2nd location , we saw a very familiar little car. Initially I dispelled any thoughts that it might belong to someone I knew. Then I noticed the cup of coffee on top of it and decided to make a joke out of it to Maria and Cvy. Maria then noticed the pink squirrel toy on the dashboard of the car and exclaimed that it belonged to Yuanie! A friend whose car we've sat in countless times !

I then replied in disbelief at the coincidence, once again dispelling the possibility. But with Maria's insistence, I went closer to inspect the car and spotted the Vocaloid plushies Yuanie always has in her car xD

It was onfirmed ! It was really her car! Then we took random troll photos to poke her on wadsapp xD

She eventually found us and we had an awesome time catching up xD along with her was Zephyus!

I've never been the chirpy sort. Neither am I a very interesting person. Growing up, making friends and getting along with people was always something difficult. I'm happy Cosplay has allowed me to make real friends who share my interest , understands my passion and would be willing to help make my little dreams come true.
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I'm glad I found a spot in Cosplay. I'm probably being a loser for feeling so touched by these little Things. But having met lousy people in life has allowed me to appreciate sincere, trust worthy people like them.

I just wish more parents and people outside the community can understand this …

It's good to have friends nah …


  1. I'm not the sort of social butterfly either, and you give me hope that I can find great friends like yours one day too :]

  2. Hi Kaika
    I didn´t know that you have another blog, i was reading this entry, and now I feel like a stalker =___= cause is from almost 2 years ago.
    I was also urfing in this blog, and your problems whit your skin, I feel so much indentification, I have oil skin, a mix skin, and also take me an hour to makeup x.x, i know what you feel T_T
    but this entry make me think a lot, I dont have many friends, a few realones, I wish I have frinds like you.
