Jun 18, 2012

Hauls and life update !

Phew exactly what am I doing these days ?! I just always feel so tired, unproductive and busy ! Not a good combination >.<

Oh yes, I feel poor too :(

Australia SMASH trip is coming up soon. It's my first trip to a Caucasian country and it's freakin me out >.< I think I need to fork out a minimum of $2000 for spending alone T. T

On a lighter note , it's my birthday tomorrow ! And I had one of the most awesome celebration last Saturday. I hate hosting and hence I haven't had a birthday party for a long time. Partly also because I feel bad for ( i assume) putting my friends in a situation I assume they will feel uncomfortable in. Anyway a joke from a friend recently made me realise I must do more to stay in contact with all the awesome people I've come to know so… party there is !

My dress is a combination of a inner spaghetti dress and a cardigan. Bought them cheap from Taiwan ! Yes I love flora , beige pastel- ish clothes xD liz Lisa !

I also bought skin care and shoes recently. I don't know why I bother buying heels since I never wear them =_=

And I finally bought the big retractable brush I've been thinking about. The quality is really awesome for the price !! I can barely feel the hair on my face xD

Need to write individual entry for all these skincare stuffs ...

And blah I always feel bad whenever I walk pass someone giving out flyer ...,,

Incoherent post is incoherent.

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