Nov 7, 2012

Ganbatte !

What do you do when your best is not enough?

I feel like I'm suffering the consequences of biting more than I can chew. But if life dishes the opportunity out, should I wait for a better time before I grab it? Or should I grab it before it's gone?

It's a dilemma, I know.

I just wish people around me can understand and support my decisions more. Maybe I'm asking for too much again....

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with how you feel, sometimes people just don't seem to understand what I am feeling or why i made a decision, they just get upset over the fact that i'm not doing things right or up to standard. I wish that they would try to see things from my perspective now and then to comprehend my thoughts and emotions. And, It's okay to feel down when others don't understand you ^.^ If life gives you an opportunity, you should follow your heart and do what you think is right as only you know yourself the best :D I hope that you will overcome your dilemma soon! Good Luck o(^.^)o As they saying goes, 'If life gives you lemons, make lemonade' xD

    P.S I'm not sure if most of my comment was relevant to your post but i just hoped to share some of my thoughts here with you, thnx >.<
