Jan 20, 2013

Shopping loots & CNY ramble

Chinese New Year is around the corner! Are you as uninterested as me xD ?

Anyway, it is Chinese tradition to wear new clothes every Year New because it symbolises good fortune and good omen for a new year. But seriously I can not remember when was the last time I shopped specifically for CNY. I just buy what I like when I see it and not for any festivals.

But it's a paradox isn't it? While I loath all the nitty gritty traditional and rules, I have to admit that those itsy bitsy stuffs are what makes the festival. And every CNY makes me miss my grandma more :/, like they say " having an elder in the house is like having a treasure ". Without my grandma , CNY doesn't seem to have any meaning these days.

Anyway, check out my shopping loots! I think I'm going to gradually go out of my Mori-girl style and go for something more relaxed. I don't know....

Moustache top $10!
Wild tiger shoes $19.90!

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