Mar 28, 2013

How to cure back and chest Acne

I finally decided and filmed some non cosplay related beauty video! I don’t consider myself a beauty guru though…. I’m just a vain girl who wants to share what she knows about tackling her problems.


I’ve been plagued by skin problems since I could remember and while I still struggle with them, they are a lot more manageable than they used to be. And yes, the video is on a separate YouTube account called Starfood because I think it would be weird to talk about body acne in my Cosplay YouTube account haha. Please subscribe to it !!

argh, hate the way i look in my video thumbnail =_=

The way I take care of those nasty back & chest acnes is simply by making sure I clean the skin very very well with a long body scrubber when I bath.

I double cleanse the problem areas (back & chest) with a facial cleanser after that, again utilising the shower scrubber.

After I’m done with my shower, I then apply a thin layer of pimple medication. In my case I use old fashioned Benzoyl Peroxide. I’m impatient so I use the Maximum strength one.

As I mentioned in the video, Benzoyl Peroxide is a drying/peeling agent that WILL dry the skin. So you would go through a process of peeling first before the skin totally clears up, depending on how much benzoyl peroxide you use and how severe your acne is.

Benzoyl Peroxide can also discolour clothes so I wouldn’t use it with clothes that I care a lot about.

I admit, this method might not be the most pleasant for really bad cystic acne. But I believe what this routine does is making sure the skin is clean, doesn’t get clogged up by dead skin and eliminate budding pimples before they grow into full-scale monsters.

I hope someone benefits from this entry Remember to comment and share ~~ <3

Elp <3

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