Jun 16, 2013

Hanging out with Reiko & Cvy

Went for dinner and shopping with Reiko and Cvy on Friday. Hadn't met them for so longgggg mighty miss them ><! The pair were super cute as usual xD

Had chicken rice at Chuen Chuen which I thought was pretty average. But then for $6 a set, they did have a plate of vegetable and quite a bit of chicken meat.

Sorry my food photos always suck because I cannot wait to devour them xD .

Then it was shopping at Bugis village! Love the place xD ! The girls had been shopping before me and they all had such a loot. I only ended up with these.

A pair of beige pants and heels. Super love the shoe! Bought it from Navy's clearance sale for just $10! It was tw last pair so I'm glad it fits me xD. Pants was also $10.

My shopping loots always make me feel like a cheapskate xD I'm
Sorry I keep posting my shopping loots, I will return with reviews soon!

Oh random chocolate and leather keychain from Cvy. Souvenirs from ... Either Spain or Venice or.... Idk. Lol.

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