Dec 9, 2015

Queen Helen’s Avocado & Grapefruit masque (Review)

It’s been a while since I reviewed any products. Not because I stopped my quest for the next skin saviour but more because I’ve been too tired and lazy from travelling to do any reviews haha. Anyway, I started my Christmas shopping last Sunday. Watsons was having a buy 3 get 1 free promotion and as my fourth item, I picked this baby up.

Name: Queen Helen’s Avocado & Grapefruit masque
Price: $7.50
Bought from: Watsons SG
Rating: 2/5




I’ve been struggling to keep my pores clean for the longest time but nothing seems to work by themselves. It always needed to be the whole arsenal of multiple cleansing with multiple cleansing tools , exfoliators and Sebum control gel , so on and so forth -_-.


So I decided to try a masque that promise to not only deep cleanse my pores but leave my skin moisturised as well.



Package & Price

I love the green and pink combination. Invokes the idea of a rejuvenating spring. Overall a simple but effective tube design that sells for just SGD$7.90.



The masque is avocado green in colour and well, feels thick and creamy…like any other Kaolin base face masque. It goes onto the face very easily.





I’m sure everyone agrees with me that nobody buys a product hoping it wouldn’t work for them. Sadly this was one masque that failed at first impression. Almost instantly as the product hit my skin, a powerful burning sensation started. It was so painful!


And this pain was not foreign, this is the pain I feel when an ingredient is causing my sensitive skin to react. Sometimes some face masks does this to my face and the pain subsides after a while. No luck with this baby here though as it continued to burn with the same intensity through out my 5 minutes with it.  Yes, I managed to keep the masque on for roughly 5 minutes before I washed it off. Don’t mind my huge forehead and dark circles =X





My skin frankly, feels clean and nicely moisturised after the masque. The masque also seemed to have soften my pores enough for me to squeeze the gunk out easier.  However, I can’t claim it’s any better than other similar products out there.



I don’t think anyone can blame me for not liking this product. While it performed moderately, the burning sensation was too much to ignore. My skin has stabilised a lot from before and it not as sensitive as it used to, so I was hugely surprised when this product tingled so badly. It was a pain I hadn’t felt for a while.


Would I repurchase this? Definitely no. Would I recommend this? Maybe… but more hanging towards the “No” side. While I understand my skin has a sensitive history, the fact that it can react like this is a blinking red light already. Some reviewers online had great results with this masque and observed no tingling sensation at all so I guess it all boils down to the your individual skin. I’ll probably give this away to a friend with great skin because my lousy skin cannot handle it.

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