Incoherent rambles ahead. Proceed with caution.
Took Totoro to Gardens by the Bay last month. Awesome blessing from my Pastor (She paid for my entrance lol)
Incoherent rambles ahead. Proceed with caution.
Took Totoro to Gardens by the Bay last month. Awesome blessing from my Pastor (She paid for my entrance lol)
Inspired by the many many “ 10/20/30 things I learnt ____________________” webpages I’ve read, this is my humble rendition of wisdom nuggets I wish I had known 10 years earlier.
Every day and every year, I grow older, uglier and weaker (we all die yea? Lol) but if there’s anything I fear about aging, it would be to grow old but not grow any wiser. What kind of life would I have lived if I don’t go through situations and learn from the struggles? Anyway, these are just some stuffs I put together. Not any life mandates and you don’t have to agree with me, I am after all, just a little nobody xD
Can't believe how affected I am by the recent bad news in my life. So so heartbroken , sigh. The disappointment of multiple people rolled into one heart is proving too much for me. Which makes me start to face palm at how weak I am, alamak! Poke me with a fork and I'll probably die Lol!
Anyway life as been busy and mweh as usual. I mean life is good! But I've just been feeling a little low :/
I've been on a doodling craze recently. it all started last month (or early this month) when I sort of maxed out my data plan. Android tends to do a lot of things in the background that sucks up the data usage! So yeah I maxed out and had to abstinent from surfing or doing any sort of SNS on boring train rides. So I started doodling with my Samsung note3 stylus.
It turned out to be so therapeutic and de-stressing!
The stylus control on note3 is amazing and drawing on it despite the size and all is pretty comfortable.
I wonder if anyone can recognise the characters above XD
I'm going to cosplay a classic Chinese movie with Yuanie and Seiyume soon so the characters in the movie naturally became my doodle subject ahhaha.
Captain Levi! (or is he a Corporal?)
On a totally different note, I have to say how annoyed I am with myself. Whenever I have no time to blog , my head would be full of things to say. But when I sit down and get to it (actually I'm standing on a train now) , my mind goes blank =_=;
Bachelorette party and staycation with the girls yesterday! We had a lot of fun playing the games and watching movies~ (Rise of the Guardians and Captain America 8D !)
It's been a long and fun but tiring weekend hahaha. Its like a triathlon and I'm finally at the last lap of the race ahaha!! Racing home to get ready for a wedding dinner (last stop!) now lol.
I am so mighty proud of myself. I managed to shower, wash hair, curl hair, change and do my makeup within 1.5hr! In the past just makeup alone would have taken me 45minutes minimal! Kaika haz levelled up! Shall not bother self with little flaws in hair & makeup , I'm not the highlight of the wedding anyway heheheee. And I love the photo editing app called Meitu XiuXiu, it’s capable of making anyone look pretty =3=b
Ok. End bimbo post. Goodnights!
Happened a few nights ago when I was fumbling with the power sockets under the table. I cannot even remember what I was doing. I only remember crammed under the table and moving inwards clumsily. And when I moved my first step, my kneecap hit me in the face. The shock of the hit then made me jerk my head backwards and then I hit myself on the underside of my table =_= Was so loud my mom asked about it.
And my wardrobe finally gave way -_- The rod to hold the clothes gave way one morning while I pulled it to climb up and see what’s on the top shelf. Yeahyeahyeah, I know that sounds so graceful but I always pull the rod and use it as a handle whenever I climb up. I don’t really climb over the wardrobe though, I merely step on this area at the bottom to get some height . The rod is not locked down so you just need to pull upwards to release it. And released it I did, see the photo above? The entire pile just came toppling down onto the floor -___- ;;
Had to rehang all the clothes and accessories again -___-;
However I think the rod is too fragile and well, they gave way again. ZZZZ___zzzzz
Dad and bro finally stepped in and helped me step up a new wardrobe rod I love my family =)
Went to a friend's place to BaiNian last sunday and there was a piece of land that says it is state land. But apparently they still employ wild dogs to guards the place. Because there were 3 relatively big dogs (45inch long maybe?) guarding it. I was trying to find my way around and crossed over to their side of the land without noticing them. All 3 of them dashed to me like I was enemy and started barking. At that point I was so thankful that my years of “animal loving on the internet” taught me a few things about dog. I knew they would go even more berserk if I ran and I know animals usually don’t like it when you have eye contact with them. They were probably 1 meter away from me but I was so calm and collected I could be called queen lol
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