Okay , nothing really exciting and what's with those mini Tiger Balms?!
Jan 23, 2017
Some beauty shoppings & randomness!
Okay , nothing really exciting and what's with those mini Tiger Balms?!
Apr 24, 2016
Korea Shopping Haul !
Even though I went to Korea mainly to catch the Cherry Blossoms, I didn’t waste the chance for a good haul. So I set aside more time to go shopping during this trip hhehehe. Here is my haul video!
Jul 6, 2015
My Taobao Haul! Watch my wallet burn!!
It's been a long while since I've come with such a random post. It's always nice to choke the blog with valuable reviews and trip posts but once in a while we all need a bit of craziness. Or maybe I'm just a little obsessed with my shopping loot and wants to show it off like any other girl hahaha.
Unwrapping a parcel is always exhilarating and done with respect. But unwrapping a taobao parcel this big and have been anxiously anticipated this long ... is a little barbaric lol.
Feb 12, 2014
Shopping in Shibuya! (Liz Lisa!)
This was my 3rd time to Japan and 2nd time to Shibuya 109. I can't remember if I blogged about it previously (found out I did!) but I decided this time I would lol. Our CoFesta ambassador trip was actually pretty tight and the Shibuya trip was just a side quest kindly included by our guide lol.
Also because NHK Studio Park was walking distance to Shibuya hahah. Yamamote-san guided us there by foot and it was a very interesting experience. Even though I've had Singaporean friends who live in Japan brought me around before, it was still a novel experience to walk from one seemingly isolated place to another hippy area.
Dec 30, 2013
Fabric shopping & Skincare loots
P/s: Reposted from my dayre account which is super dead and used only to try make mobile blogging more convenient but as it turns out, there is no easy way to transfer the blog entry from Dayre to blogger and I had to screencap each photo –_-; This was about last saturday 21st dec.
Today is Sunday but I wanna talk about Saturday which is yesterday !
I love Saturdays! It's the most 'free' day of the week for me and unless I have something on, I will usually sleep till noon! Some times even 13 hours wagahha. Some people might disapprove my sleeping habits and deem me lazy ( which I won't deny xD ) for sleeping in but hey! Sleep is mighty important ! I never get enough sleep on weekdays so I'm recuperating on Saturday! 可以睡觉就要睡!
I went to Arab Street yesterday for fabric buying. After an hour or so of lingering and wondering , I finally bought a fabric.
I didn't managed to get the other fabric I was hoping to get for Elsa :( Yes! I'm gonna cos Princess , um no QUEEN ELSA from Frozen!!
Sep 15, 2013
Shopping loots ... Again
Jun 27, 2013
Qoo10 please spare my soul~~
Oh dear…. I sworn to sleep before 1am today and even though I have nothing important to keep me up I am still not asleep because... I keep shopping online /_\ !!!!! Especially buying from Qoo10 Singapore since it's so easy!
Just spent $40+ on frivolous girly stuffs >////< ;;;; DON’T JUDGE ME!!!!!!!
Bought 1 of each for the hands and feet. The skin around my nails have been pretty dry and peeling…just thought I could pamper them to a mini DIY spa with these…
After much internal turbulence + deliberating for the past few nights and asking on facebook, I finally bought the green bag. Yes, They are SO CUTE RIGHT??!?!?!!!!!!
They are smaller than I hope and they are missing the back/side zip function I like but….THEY ARE SO CUTE I COULDN”T RESIST! After discount , they only cost me $22.
Decided I should use foundation with heavier coverage instead of my usual BB cream for Cosplays. And after numerous research I decided I still don’t know what foundation is good so I settled for a cheap one –_-;;; The reviews about it is fabulous so let’s hope my skin likes it. Maybe I should have tried MAC instead =_=
Maybe I should try to turn my shopping obsession into something more constructive by blogging/reviewing about my purchase and shopping experience with the sellers here. What do you guys think?
Jun 18, 2013
Daiso+ randomness
I spent the whole of last Saturday just taking photos and altering the clothes I bought from Qoo10. It's kinda annoying that I have to spend time altering something I bought but alas , I do not have money to tailor make my causal clothes nor do I have the figure of a model.
I took some "before" photos and am waiting to take some "After altering " photos. Will do up a simple altering tutorial for you guys. Nobody reads this blog but it's ok, just dishing out what I know. Lol.
Anyway, I also finally sorted out my shoes. After my shopping spree with Reiko and Cvy the night before, the trouble of finding space to store my shoes surfaced yet again. And I have so many nice shoes that I've only worn once /_\ mostly I stopped wearing because they bite ;( but also because they are put away in their boxes and out of sight, out of mind.
Decided to give this Under-bed storage bag I bought from Daiso another go. Initially found it to be too small and flimsy but I eventually found a way to make it work.

Stuffed two shoe box and lid into it and now it has a structure xD
I went back to Daiso yesterday hoping to get more of that under-bed storage and while the crowd was packed, I still had an enjoyable time marvelling at the cuteness of everything. Seriously why are the Japanese so cute at everything ??
Colourful cupcake cups.
Bento Soya sauce Bottles. Super love them. I bought a few and used them to contain pretty much everything except soya sauce LOL. I mostly use them as travel sized toiletries or skin product. Really like the little animals one. Unfortunately their opening is too small thus weak, after a few uses they just break apart.
They are just pushpins ... Why Daiso why do you have to make them so cute >o<
Animal pouches xD
Big bells. Good for cosplays I guess.
Eventually I only bought these. The face mask thingy on the left Is a silicon Face mask u wear to assist in absorption. Also bought a new bathing net to replace my old one. Regret not getting my previous pink one though, I think the old one foams better.
Jun 16, 2013
Hanging out with Reiko & Cvy
Had chicken rice at Chuen Chuen which I thought was pretty average. But then for $6 a set, they did have a plate of vegetable and quite a bit of chicken meat.
Sorry my food photos always suck because I cannot wait to devour them xD .
Then it was shopping at Bugis village! Love the place xD ! The girls had been shopping before me and they all had such a loot. I only ended up with these.
A pair of beige pants and heels. Super love the shoe! Bought it from Navy's clearance sale for just $10! It was tw last pair so I'm glad it fits me xD. Pants was also $10.
My shopping loots always make me feel like a cheapskate xD I'm
Sorry I keep posting my shopping loots, I will return with reviews soon!
Oh random chocolate and leather keychain from Cvy. Souvenirs from ... Either Spain or Venice or.... Idk. Lol.
Jun 3, 2013
Shopping too much ><?
I admit, me buying clothes are usually more of a retail therapy than a need but but after all my hardworking, late nights, holing myself up to work ... I think I deserve something !
I bought 5 piece of clothing from this shop in Qoo10. They are very cheap ($10 - $20) and shipped within a week. Unfortunately the quality of the clothes are pretty poor and didn't fit me very well.
Thankfully I am a cosplayer who knows how to sew >D shall alter them to for me like a glove ! But until then ... They shall lie dormant in my wardrobe -_-|||
I also bought these two from Isabella's closet in Bugis. $10 for the green top and $15 for the chiffon dress. Sadly the black in the chiffon dress will leak colour and it stained the white T. T
I'm quite tiny so most store bought clothes don't fit me very well. I always have to do at least some minor adjustment . Maybe I should blog about how to alter store bought clothes. It's amazing how some minor snipping and embellishing can change them!
Apr 23, 2013
Shopping spree !!!
So yeah, new bags and shoes !!!
Bugis Village has got to be my favourite shopping paradise. Some people argue that Singapore doesn't have good fashion and cannot care less for Bugis Village. But I don't know, I love the place. The prices are generally lower with a good variety of stuffs. Granted that a lot of shops sell similar stuffs and are probably owned by the same owner xD.
Bought 2 pairs of flats from the very cute frilly Girly shop beside the escalator at Level 2. I'm really bad at names -.-; it was a clearing stock sale so I got both pairs for $32.
Then bought that London and I love Singapore Bags, 3 for $10! I gave Neneko and Momo those 2 bags as souvenir when they came Singapore lat weekend xD. They were really touched and happy with the Merlion Chocolates Saku bought them and the bags. They even got us to sign (lol?!) on the bag for them. Neneko felt that that gave the bags a unique significance. So sweet haha.
And I finally replaced my wallet of 2 years with that blue one. $13! I still love my ArtBox wallet/passport holder but the fabric has started to peel :( this current one is a little too small ><||

And finally, my new bag from GMarket arrived today ! I think it was $20+? Cannot remember. It's smaller than I'd like but the quality of the material is really nice !
Bought from here: http://list.qoo10.sg/gmkt.inc/Goods/Goods.aspx?goodscode=407244268
Jan 20, 2013
Shopping loots & CNY ramble
Anyway, it is Chinese tradition to wear new clothes every Year New because it symbolises good fortune and good omen for a new year. But seriously I can not remember when was the last time I shopped specifically for CNY. I just buy what I like when I see it and not for any festivals.
But it's a paradox isn't it? While I loath all the nitty gritty traditional and rules, I have to admit that those itsy bitsy stuffs are what makes the festival. And every CNY makes me miss my grandma more :/, like they say " having an elder in the house is like having a treasure ". Without my grandma , CNY doesn't seem to have any meaning these days.
Anyway, check out my shopping loots! I think I'm going to gradually go out of my Mori-girl style and go for something more relaxed. I don't know....
Moustache top $10!
Wild tiger shoes $19.90!
Dec 7, 2012
Daiso loot!
I Love shopping in Daiso when their new stock is in!
Was feeling pretty demoralised yesterday but decided that since the water is already under the bridge , I might as well just enjoy what I can now. And so I went to Daiso! Went to the biggest and furthest branch ; IMM. So troublesome to get there but shopping at IMM's Daiso is therapeutic xD
Bought $30 worth of random stuff and bought stuffs I always liked but don't bear to waste money on. Just to make myself feel better xD
Check out their socks collection !! Their new range of ankle high socks with Frills on the top is so cute !!!! But as with anything cheap, the quality control can be tad slack some times. Some times the sock's frills don't match up. One is frill-er than the other. But then, $2 bucks so yeah.

I bought a pink lash case but I think I'm probably giving it away with the fake lash giveaways for TheCosplayChronicles.
This blog entry is so random. I think i made this just to show off my kawaii socks xD Anime, cosplay, karaoke and chilling out with friends ! Can't wait for my holidays to start now xD !!!!
Jul 26, 2012
Sydney and back! My loots!!
Anyway i'm back from a 11 days trip to Sydney Australia! It was my first trip to an "Ang Moh" country and I've never felt more stressed about a trip before. I'm glad everything turned out well xD
Everything was so expensive that I only dare buy from Kmart, Target and Reject shops. But I'm glad I got some really nice bargains xD
I bought these 2 eyelash case for AUD$2.5 at a reject shop! While they are too space consuming for my liking. I'm in love with it's uber cute design and have long been contemplating getting something to store multiple lashes when I travel. Each box holds 3 pairs of lashes.

Also bought this gold brown weekender bag from Target ( or was it K Mart?). Ever since I saw a hotel mate using one of these, I've been wanting one. Mainly love it for its ample storage space and ability to house my ELF palette. But now that I have tested it out, it seems a little too big =_=; I kinda regret getting this design though, should have gotten the shocking pink and black one instead.
Apr 9, 2012
My hauls !
Anyway, I finallllly jumped on the Gmarket platform and ordered my first product from it !
In fact I bought more than one :x Bought 2 HappyMori iPhone case. And 1 Skinfood Rice mask which I have been yearning to get since my Korea trip last 2010. I tried one of their tester pack after coming back to Singapore and totally regretted not buying it back -_-;;; I refuse to buy them in Singapore because the local stores have marked up the price by at least 3 times -.-. Just couldn't deal with that xD
I also bought Arsainte ECO-THERAPY Extreme-Moisture Aqua Radiance Cream but unfortunately, the seller screwed up and sent me a Mickey Mouse iPhone case instead!!! Whut the fish ?!?! Sigh …
Also bought the Taiwanese face mask at a discount from Watsons. 我的心机 caviar whitening face masks x 10 pc for $13+. Will try to do a review on it after I get around to using it :D
I also bought my b'liv blackhead serum again from Sasa which sets me back at $70+
Yes,girls are troublesome … T. T