Was invited to attend the AB Double eyelid tape launch event at Sasa last Saturday and had so much fun! Guest of the day was Mr Kelvin from Taiwan. I’m sure Mr Kevin needs no introduction to any Asian girl who’s interested in beauty.
Edit: AB Singapore has started a mini competition for you guys to take part! Stand to win the full range of AB products, $150 cash and Kevin 老师’s autographed poster. More details below!
Kevin sensei is a Taiwanese celebrity makeup artist ; he is a regular guest on one of Taiwan’s most popular and evergreen Beauty TV program ( Nu Ren Wo Zui Da 女人我最大) and He has endorsed countless beauty products. Being such a leader in the beauty world, it’s nothing short to say he would only recommend the best products
The stage event lasted for near an hour but not a moment went past dull for Kevin Sensei’s experience, talent and amiable personality worked like a charm on everyone. Being so used to the stage and sharing about Makeup, this guy probably has makeup and art blended into his very blood.
The other super pretty Beauty Bloggers. They look so well put together and pretty I feel like an odd leaf among them 8D
Kevin sensei animatedly explains each step to us. Definitely a very interesting guy to watch.
Stage Host of the day was Xiao JiaHui from Y.E.S. 93.3FM. Her bright and cheerful voice brings a lot of hype to the entire ambience!
In the launch event, Kelvin sensei shared his tips on using the double eyelid tapes and his philosophy on beauty. He also did a live demonstration with a couple of AB eyelid products on a model. I have filmed and uploaded the demonstration for those of you who would like to learn more about AB products.
The finished work on the model’s face. Look at the difference! The eye really is the window to the soul isn’t it?
I tried to trim away irrelevant portions of the video but Kevin sensei was so candid and active in sharing that there wasn’t much areas that I could cut away without making the video look inconsistent (flow wise). I also tried to add English subtitles to the video but gave up halfway, there was too much to type lol. To make up for that, highlights of the video is appended below.
Highlighted tips from Mr Kevin:
- Why use AB Eyelid tape? Because unlike traditional eyelid tapes that is adhesive only on one side, AB eyelid tape utilises a double-sided tape design and is more suitable for monolids.
- Use the accompanied plastic shaping stick to slowly create your desired crease before sticking the tape down. This will give you an idea of where to place the eyelid tape.
- Use a round tip mini scissor to trim the excess eyelid tape away. A normal sharp tip scissor might be dangerous
- The AB eyelid MUST be use on clean, oil free and powder free skin.
- Pull the orange cover away ( Mezical Fibre 2) from the middle of the tape together to avoid touching the tape with your fingers.
- Because everyone’s eyelid is different, how the product works is different for everyone. So be prepared to waste a few more tapes to get the best result.
- Cut the excess inner corners and out outer corners of the tape diagonally from top to bottom. Doing it this creates a nice “ > ” point at the edge that folds away nicely into the crease and doesn't cause discomfort.
- The main secret to what our society considers as ‘beautiful’ is not pretty features but very good overall ratio. For example Kim Soo-Hyun from Korea; he has small eyes but how his eyes relate to his face shape, his nose and mouth, it all comes together to form a very well balanced and aesthetically pleasing face. So instead of just focusing on beautifying certain features, make sure the overall ratio of the face is balanced!
- Our upper eyelid is usually longer than our lower eyelid. To help lengthen the eyes, use darker eye shadows in the triangular space on the outer corners of the lower lash line to even things out.
- Earth- toned colours are one of the most frequently used eyeshadow colours but even earth toned colours can be separated into ‘Warm’ & ‘ Cool’ tones. A safe tip is to wear eye shadow that compliments your clothes. Orange is ‘Warm’ and Blue is ‘Cool’. Secondary colours like Purple & Green are a blend of “Warm (Red & Yellow) “ and “Cool (Blue)” colours and thus depending on the exact shade of Purple/Green, can be used with both Warm and Cool toned clothes.
- Curl your lashes before lining your eyes.
- Use sectional lash curlers to curl lashes without disturbing your eyeliner.
- Line the inner corner of your eyes by placing your mirror underneath your face and look down while lining. This puts your eye in a comfortable position and you would not expose your eyeball to too much air that can cause you to blink.
- If you get mascara onto the skin, just wait for it to dry a little then dab it away with a cotton swab. If you are afraid of getting mascara onto your skin, use a name card, cut it to the contours of the eye then place it underneath the lashes and mascara away. Watch Michelle Phan’s video about it here.
- Apply mascara on the top of fake lashes (recommended only for very natural looking lashes) after applying it onto your eyelids to fuse your real lashes with the fake lashes . This action makes them look fuller and more realistic. Comb the tip out with a steel lash comb.
- To balance out fake lashes, you can trim the inner corners of the fake lashes with a mini scissors. Remember to trim them in a vertical motion to avoid chopping both your fake and real lashes into a weird straight line.
As soon as Kevin Sensei got off stage, he was swarmed with photograph and autograph requests LOL.
With one…
with two…
with three…
And finally with me!
I was getting a little worried it would never come to my turn but thankfully, he was nice enough to accommodate everyone’s requests before leaving.
Japalang Pte Ltd also kindly gave each of us a beauty bag with all the AB products to try! See, they even personalised the bags! So sweet la! I honestly can’t wait to try all of them but reviews will come very slow because I like to have more time to really get to know a product before reviewing them.
Here’s a breakdown of the different eyelid products by AB!
AB double eyelid accessories are now available exclusively at Sasa! Go check it out for yourself if you can’t wait any longer ;)
Also check out AB Mezical Fiber on their Facebook page for more product information.
Edit: Like I mentioned above, AB Singapore have organised a mini competition! Just do a “before and after” of yourself using AB’s double eyelid tapes/accessories , post it on instagram and tag #absingapore . And presto! You stand a chance to win the full range of AB products, Mr Kevin’s autographed poster and $150 of cash!
You can download the template by saving the photo below!
Good luck everyone!!!
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